Call (814)310-9111 for 24/7 Bail Bonds Service

If you have a friend/family member who has been arrested and has been taken to the local police station or the Hermitage, PA Police Department you are most likely anxious to get them out of jail as soon as you can.
- Magistrate Will Set Bail Amount: Almost immediately after being booked in the jail, the Magisterial District Judge will set the bail bond amount for your friend. They must pay this amount in order to get out of jail. The courts require payment to insure that the defendant returns for all court appearances and dates.
- Meet with a Bail Bondsman: It can be difficult to come up with a large amount of cash in order to pay the chester county bail bond. This is where a bail bondsman comes in. A+ Bail Bonds is licensed and will help you get your friend out of jail quickly.
- Post an Mercer County, PA Bail Bond: When you post a bail bond with an Chester County bail bond agent, you will sign a contract between the agent – you will become the indemnitor (co-signer) on the bond. This contract is a financial guarantee from the agent to the court that the defendant will reappear for all court hearings. The fee for a bail bond is usually 5-15% of the bail amount, and is non-returnable. The bail bonds agent will post bond, and your loved one will get out of the Chester County jail.
- Defendant Returns for Court Hearings: Once you have signed a bail bonds contract with an bail bonds agent, the defendant will need to return to the courtroom for all court hearings and dates. This is important. If they fail to return, the indemnitor (co-signer) will be held responsible for paying the full bail amount, and any costs the Bail bonds agent incurs while locating and arrested the defendant. Never post bail for someone who isn’t trustworthy.
Contact Us
Why choose A+ Bail Bonds?
- No Credit Checks!
- No Collateral for Most Cases!
- No Citizenship is OK!
- Out-of-State Residence is OK!
- Payment Plans Available!
- Hablamos Espanol!
Call Us Today for Hermitage, PA and Mercer County Bail Bond services.
How Bail Works?
A bail amount is set by the local court jurisdiction following the arrest of a defendant. We will walk you through every step of this often overwhelming process.
How payments work?
Our bail bondsmen are available to answer any and all of your questions regarding the bailout process, collateral issues, indemnity, payment options and more.
How soon can I post bail?
Our services include bail consultation, out of state transfer bonds, and probation violation bail all with quick and reliable 24-hour service